Deep and Dazzling Darkness, The Gilman, Laura Anne
Rating: Not Given
Size: 61K
Spoilers: Not Given
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: Not Given

Delphine Dilemma, The Thode, Aaron
Rating: Not Given
Size: 78K
Spoilers: Not Given
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: Not Given

Killer Whale Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 19K
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: A mysterious death is linked to a killer whale pod and a strange girl.

Kosatka Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 25K
Spoilers: Patient X/The Red and the Black
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: A killer whale was seemingly abducted from a Pacific Northwest aquarium.

Let Me Hear You Whisper PhinMulder
Rating: PG
Size: 46K
Spoilers: Not Given
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate possible government involvement in the disappearance of two dolphins that can speak through computer generated tones.

Minds in the Waters Liz and Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 171K
Spoilers: Blessing Way/Paper Clip, Fight the Future, General Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance
Summary: In a search for the truth, for the love of one woman, an adventure unfolds, through the minds of the whales.

Orcas In the Mist Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG-13
Size: 185K
Spoilers: Never Again
Keywords: XF/Free Willy Crossover, Mulder/Scully Romance
Summary: Mulder and Scully are assigned to a summer-long illegal whaling case. During that time, they build some amazing friendships and find something within themselves they didn't think would ever surface.

Orcas In the Mist II:Max Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 61K
Spoilers: None
Keywords: XF/Free Willy Crossover, Mulder/Scully Romance
Summary: Mulder and Scully return to the Pacific Northwest to help Jesse discover the truth about the disappearance of Willy's son, Max.

Two Worlds Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 47K
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST
Summary: When Scully finally gets fed up and leaves the X-Files, she finds her niche working at a marine biology lab. Two years later, she meets up with Mulder again...

Two Worlds II: Under Sea-ge Wahlquist, Kirsten
Rating: PG
Size: 31K
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST
Summary: An eco-terrorist targets the lab, putting all involved in danger.

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