Equus KD
Rating: G
Size: 7K
Spoilers: Pilot
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate a disappearance in the Berkshires, possibly involving extra-terrestrials, but their only witness is of the four-legged variety.

Equus O'Leary, Kieran
Rating: Not Given
Size: 7K
Spoilers: Not Given
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: Not Given

From Another Perspective Brown, Kathleen
Rating: G
Size: 20K
Spoilers: Chinga
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: An X-File, from the POV of a silent witness.

Horse Culverson, Danielle
Rating: PG
Size: 14K
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Not Given
Summary: A horse saves Mulder's life after he is dumped in the desert by a faction of the "shadow government".

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