Title: Two Worlds Author: Kirsten Wahlquist E-Mail: Send me feedback, please!! dkscully@osfthome.net Distribution: Gossamer - no, I'll do that myself; Everywhere else - go ahead, just let me know! Spoilers: I don't think there's any Rating: PG - for a bad word or two Content: Mulder/Scully UST Classification: S Summary: When Scully finally gets fed up and leaves the X-Files, she finds her niche working at a marine biology lab. Two years later, she meets up with Mulder again... Disclaimer: Six words: I don't own Mulder and Scully. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox. I also don't own the song "Two Worlds," that belongs to Disney. Grant Robson, Belle, Charlotte, Kea, Sandy, and Holly all belong to me, but if you ask nicely, you can use them ( like anybody is going to want to). As far as I know, there is no place called Sutton, FL, or a Steiger Island there. Notes: -Well, this is DolphinFic number four for me...gee, wonder what my favorite animal is... -This story can be found at my website at http://members.tripod.com/~keikolover/fanfic -It is also available at http://animalfiles.freeservers.com, a website for animal-centered fanfic (shameless plug ;) ) If you like DolphinFic, there's plenty of it there. -Pleeaaaase send me feedback! There is a big decline in feedback right now for many authors, and it is rather depressing when you put hard work into something and don't get any feedback. I welcome all comments, praise, constructive criticisms, and flames. Be warned, I like to play with fire, so all flames will be used to light the bunsen burner so I can melt pennies down (I love chemistry class!) Enjoy!! Two Worlds By Kirsten Wahlquist J. Edgar Hoover Building February 22, 1999 4:17 PM Dana Scully stormed through the halls of the FBI headquarters. She drew nervous stares from the other agents, but she paid no attention to them. Ahead, the elevator doors were beginning to close. Scully thrust her hand in to force them open, then slipped inside as quickly as possible. Angrily, she slapped the button for the basement. Fortunately, she was the only occupant of the elevator. The instant the doors opened, she was taking off down the hall. Scully threw open the door and thundered into the office. Startled, Mulder stared up at her. "What the *hell* were you thinking?" she cried. Mulder frowned and opened his mouth to protest, but Scully stopped him with a scowl. "When are you ever going to learn that you can't just run off without telling anyone? I was stuck at the warehouse with God-knows-what about to rip me to shreds!" She paused for a moment to catch her breath and gauge Mulder's reaction. "What are you talking about?" Mulder asked innocently. Scully's eyes narrowed in anger. "What am I talking about?" she yelled. She lifted her arm up, revealing a neatly-wrapped bandage. "The damn thing nearly tore my arm off, and where were you? Off chasing your own shadow!" Mulder winced at her harsh words. "Scully-" "Don't 'Scully' me! I'm sick of being left alone in the middle of nowhere! This has happened one too many times!" Her fist came crashing into the desk, but Mulder didn't even flinch. "I did it to keep you out of trouble," he said with a calmness that surprised her. Scully glared at him, the anger burning in her eyes like an out-of-control bonfire. "Cut the crap," she hissed. "Lord knows I've put up with it long enough already." She paused a moment, trying to regain some semblance of control. "Where did you go?" Mulder breathed a sigh of relief at the reprieve. "I chased someone from the warehouse down the street," he replied. "I thought he might be connected to the creature," Mulder defended himself feebly. "And was he?" Scully already knew the answer. "No," Mulder admitted softly. "You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about! Where does it end, Mulder? Does it end?" She scrutinized him closely for several minutes. The silence filling the room was deafening. Scully turned on a heel and stormed out. The slamming door echoed loudly through the hall, then nothing. Frustrated, Mulder kicked the garbage can across the room, scattering it's contents. *** Scully's Apartment 10:13 PM Scully stared fixedly at the blank wall. She clutched her legs tightly against her chest. "I can't do this anymore," she said aloud. Only silence answered her. She mentally counted the reasons why her life was a living hell. One, she couldn't have a social life if the fate of the universe depended on it. Two, she was stalked by psychotic homicidal maniacs. Three, Mulder. Scully snapped back to Earth. Glancing at the calendar, she realized that she was on the eve of what she was sure would be her worst birthday ever. And it made her feel like hell. Sadly, Scully pulled herself up from the couch. She sat herself at her laptop and opened the word processor. Not long after, she signed her name, set the ball point pen down, and sat back. Her life was about to change. *** Sun Shores Motel Sutton, FL March 2 6:09 PM Scully climbed out of her car into the bright sunlight. Her mouth was drawn upward in a tight-lipped smile. her mind whispered. Only a hundred yards away, the gentle waves of the Atlantic Ocean broke on the shore. In no time at all, Scully was checked into the motel and setting her bags in her room. She flopped exhaustedly onto the bed. She was free! The same thought had flown through her mind for the past several days, ever since she'd handed in her resignation. Mulder had said nothing as she packed her belongings and carried them out of the office. He hadn't begged her to stay, nor had he ordered her out. He just sat there, watching. It came as some surprise to her that she had not cared that she was walking away from her home, her work, and her partner of nearly seven years. If anything, she was relieved. she told herself. After driving home, she'd begun packing. At first she'd stopped, feeling that she'd overreacted. But after a few hours she'd realized that she could never forget everything that had befallen her there, and resumed packing with vigor. The apartment held too many bad memories. She had expected Mulder to at least call and talk her out of leaving. He never did. Scully wasn't even sure that he knew she had left DC. If he did, he obviously didn't care. Scully had to force herself back to the present. Sighing, she got up from the bed and padded into the bathroom to take a shower. *** Mulder's Apartment 8:43 PM Mulder opened the door to his apartment and trudged inside. He didn't even bother to hang up his coat; he just dumped it unceremoniously by the door. "She's gone," he whispered again and again. He hung his head sadly as he sunk onto the couch. This time, Mulder knew, it truly was his fault. The guilt overwhelmed him, and the tears flowed down his face. The mantra ran through his head like a broken record, haunting him all night. *** Sutton, FL March 6 11:29 AM Scully strolled along the beach, enjoying the feel of the cool sea breeze on her face. Overhead, gulls cried as they searched for discarded food. Near the water, a young couple sat on a beach towel. They were eating and laughing, clearly enjoying themselves. Scully smiled and walked on, glancing at the sand every few seconds in hopes of finding a pearly shell or a dried-out sand dollar. She stopped momentarily to pull off her sandals. Scully wiggled her toes in the sand, enjoying the feel of the grains sliding around her feet. Up ahead, a small building hugged the shoreline. It's beige walls and blue metal roof made it seem very inviting. Between it and the open water was a large, concrete deck. A few kids leaned over a waist-high glass wall to get a better look at something. Curiously, Scully headed toward the building. As she got closer, she realized that the "deck" was actually a large tank, at least 200 feet wide. The kids were laughing and pointing. A soft *whoosh* reached Scully's ears, then a splashing noise. She peered over the children's heads and saw nothing at first. But after a few moments, a gray form surfaced, exhaling sharply. Scully smiled in recognition. It was a dolphin. she remembered correctly. Soon it was joined by a smaller companion, who seemed to want to play more rambunctiously. The second dolphin leapt out of the water and reentered it with hardly a splash. It's head popped up, squealing good-naturedly at it's friend. A tall, dark-haired man in a wetsuit appeared at the edge of the pool. Immediately, the dolphins swam to greet him. Scully watched intently as he rubbed their chins and bellies. She hardly noticed when the children left. The man slipped a whistle into his mouth and tossed two balls into the water. Then he pointed at one dolphin and thrust his hand forward and up. The dolphin did an about face and quickly retrieved one of the balls. The man blew the whistle and tossed the dolphin a few fish, making sure to rub it's sides and belly. Scully watched for quite some time before the trainer noticed her. He smiled and stood, walking around the tank to greet her. "I'm Grant Robson," he said, extending his hand. "Dana Scully," she replied as they shook hands. "Anything I can do for you?" Grant asked. Scully shook her head. "I was just admiring the dolphins. Bottlenose, right?" Grant smiled and nodded. "Yeah, the far one there is Belle," he said, pointing to the smaller dolphin. "And the other is Charlotte. They're both female." He paused, cocking his head. "Did you just move here?" Scully was pleasantly surprised. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Grant laughed softly. "Well, I've never seen you around here before, and there's so few people here that you get to know everyone by name. It's not exactly a tourist hotspot, either." He paused. "Where did you move from?" "Washington, DC," Scully replied, already liking Grant. "You like dolphins?" "I love them. When I was a kid I lived in San Diego, and constantly visited Sea World just to see them." Grant took a step back. "Come on," he offered. "I'll introduce you." Scully's eyes lit up. "Just hop over the glass." She did as instructed and followed Grant to the other side of the tank, on the training platform. Instantly, Belle and Charlotte popped up next to them. Belle squeaked impatiently, ready to play. "Go ahead and pet them," Grant told Scully. "they love it." Tentatively, Scully reached out to Belle. The dolphin nudged her hand, eliciting a grin from Scully. Scully ran her hand along Belle's jaw. Grant knew immediately that the two had a special connection. "How'd you like to help me out here?" he asked. Scully agreed without hesitation. "At this facility," he explained as he collected some equipment, "we're doing research into delphine cognitive abilities. Testing their intelligence. Nothing too invasive, unlike Dr. John Lilly's work in the '60's." The work he was referring to involved probing the brain of a live dolphin to provoke responses. "I've read some of his work on neurology," Scully commented. Grant's eyebrows shot up. "I'm a medical doctor," she explained quickly. Grant nodded in understanding. "We also do research into local marine life, mainly invertebrates." He paused for a moment. "Do you know much about animal training or husbandry?" he asked. Scully shook her head. "Okay. This is what is called a target..." *** Scully's Motel Room 8:17 PM Scully sagged into a chair, glad to finally be able to take a load off her feet. She'd spent the last several hours at the lab, which she'd learned was called the Sutton Delphine research Laboratory, or SDRL for short. She had helped train, prepare fish for, and play with the dolphins, and also did general housekeeping-type chores all day. Grant had been very impressed by her quick learning and hard work. Just before she left, he had offered her a job as an assistant, which she had eagerly accepted. She had to get up early the next morning to get to the lab. Scully reached down to scratch an itch on her leg, and her hand came away covered in salt. she sighed as she headed for the bathroom. *** FBI Headquarters June 3, 2001 10:01 AM Mulder sat uneasily in the chair across from the new Assistant Director. He folded and unfolded his hands several times. The AD handed Mulder a folder silently. Mulder flipped open the front cover, glancing at the information. "You're sending me to the beach?" Mulder asked playfully. The Ad shook his head, reproving the younger agent. "You are on assignment, Agent Mulder," he told him harshly. "Save the sandcastles for your vacation." He paused. "Dismissed." Mulder stood and headed for the door. Once her got out into the hall, he looked again at the case file. he wondered. *** SDRL June 4 2:13 PM Mulder strode through the entrance to the Sutton Delphine Research Laboratory. A secretary sat a small desk, reading a magazine. She glanced up as Mulder walked in. "May I help you?" "Yeah, I'm looking for Dr. Robson." Mulder flashed his badge. The secretary's jaw dropped and her eyes widened momentarily. FBI? "I - I'm sorry, he's not in right now. He should be back shortly. Would you like to wait?" she asked. Mulder nodded. "Sure." The secretary led him out back to the dolphin pools, and was about to leave him at the glass railing. "Do you mind if I ask if he's in some sort of trouble?" she queried. "Not at all. Actually, he called the FBI in on this one," Mulder answered her. The secretary mouthed an "oh" and left Mulder to wait. He turned his attention to the two dolphins in the tank. They swam lazily, basking in the June sun. One of them tossed a piece of seaweed into the air, then smacked it with her broad flukes. Mulder watched their antics for quite some time before he heard two people approaching from the direction of the shore. One voice sounded very familiar... nah. It couldn't be. He straightened up and turned toward the voices. Then his jaw crashed through the pavement. Approaching from the distance were the two people. They were clad in wetsuits and full SCUBA gear, water dripping off their skin. Mulder didn't recognize the man, but the woman was very familiar. It was Dana Scully. She didn't seem to notice him, or at least she didn't acknowledge him. She had gained a few healthy pounds, and she seemed more muscular. Her hair was cut shorter, dangling just below her ears. Scully let out a laugh which sounded more like a giggle. She turned away from the man and all but froze in her tracks. The man turned to ask her what was wrong, but she had already recovered her composure. The man approached Mulder and held out his hand. "I'm Dr. Robson. I take it you're here from the FBI?" Mulder nodded and shook Grant's hand. "Agent Fox Mulder." "This is my colleague, Dana Scully," Grant continued. Scully's eyes shifted to the two dolphins. "We've met," Mulder replied, his voice low. "Really?" Grant asked, curious but unwilling to pry. "I'll go put these guys into the tanks," Scully said quickly, indicating the specimens of invertebrates they had just collected. She brushed past Mulder and went into the building. Mulder turned back to Grant, trying to keep Scully out of his head. "So, you say there's been illegal dumping going on out there?" he asked. Grant nodded. "We've been analyzing some of the fish and invertebrates a ways off the shore, and the PCB levels are on the rise." "PCB's?" queried Mulder. "Polychlorinated biphenyls. They're most commonly used in electrical appliances, since they conduct electricity well and are resistant to fire," Grant explained. "For a long time, they were used in industrial production. But they were found to be very toxic carcinogens, and can now only be used as insulators in electrical equipment. Back in 1987, dozens of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins began washing ashore. By 1988, the count had reached 750. Those were just the ones that were found. Some say it was a naturally occurring brevetoxin, but the more plausible theory is that PCBs damaged their livers, nervous, reproductive, and immune systems." "At what levels are we talking about, here?" Mulder asked. "US laws require that all products with over five parts per million be labeled as hazardous. Those dolphins were found with levels between 13 and 620 parts per million. One exception was a dolphin that contained 6,800 parts per million." Mulder's eyebrows shot up, and he sucked in a sharp breath. "And how much are you finding in the water here?" "About four parts per million and rising very quickly," Grant replied, frowning. "After magnifying it through the food chain, the levels are lethal for dolphins living in the area. We've already found three bodies this month." "Can you show me exactly where the count is highest, to your knowledge?" Mulder pressed. "I can show you on a map," answered Grant. "The boat is being repaired. If you want to see the site, I can take you tomorrow when it's fixed." "That sounds good," agreed Mulder. "In the meantime, feel free to look around," Grant offered. "I need to go do some testing inside, but if you need any questions answered, don't hesitate to ask." He nodded curtly and headed off. Mulder watched him go inside, then turned back to the dolphin pool. Scully was sitting on the edge, dangling her legs in the water. She had removed her SCUBA gear and pulled her arms out of the wetsuit, letting the upper half rest around her waist. She absently rubbed Belle's side. Her focus was obviously elsewhere. Taking a deep breath, Mulder approached her slowly. "Mind if I sit here?" he began. Scully glanced up at him, a bit unsure. "Go ahead." Mulder sat down beside her, ignoring the water soaking through the seat of his pants. He fidgeted uncomfortably, unsure of how to start. "Scully, I... ah... I've had a lot of time to think." Scully snorted softly. "I know you're probably mad at me, and you have every right to be." He paused, gauging her reaction. "I don't think you know how sorry I am about what happened." Scully's face remained unchanged. Dejected, Mulder finished, "I guess I just wanted to say I'm sorry." No reaction. Sadly, he stood and began to make his way toward the exit. "Wait," Scully called after him. He stopped and turned back, his eyes full of hope. Scully got up from her perch by the water. Running after him, she almost literally threw herself into his arms. Mulder wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I'm sorry," he heard her whisper. It had been so long since he'd last hugged her, Mulder felt like he had gone back in time. "Go, I've missed you," he murmured. Scully pulled back and looked into his eyes, smiling. "Come here. I want to formally introduce you." Mulder followed her to the edge of the tank. "This is Belle, and Charlotte. They're both girls. You can tell the difference because Belle is smaller." Mulder grinned and ran a hand along Charlotte's back. Scully turned to look quizzically at him. "So how'd you get called out here, on an environmental crimes case?" she questioned. "I actually work in that division now," answered Mulder. Scully raised a skeptical eyebrow. "A while after you... left... they shut down the X-Files. By then I was sick of seeing all that blood and guts every day, and requested a transfer to some place other than Violent Crimes." He stopped for a moment. "What about you? What have you been doing?" Scully splashed some water on Belle, who splashed back energetically. "I got a job as an assistant here a couple weeks after I left Washington. Basically I've been taking care of Belle and Charlotte and helping out in any areas that need another set of hands." "Are you and Dr. Robson..." "No," replied Scully all too quickly. "We dated once or twice, but it obviously wasn't going to work out. We're just friends." Mulder was inwardly relieved at the admission, but he did not show it. "Any good places to eat around here?" *** Scully's House 8:21 PM Mulder pulled into the driveway to Scully's small house on the beach. Scully unlocked the door to get out, then turned to Mulder. "Thanks for the ride home," she said softly. "Anytime," responded Mulder. Just then, there was a loud bark coming from the house. Scully glanced in the window and saw a small, canine head looking back anxiously. "Her name's Latte," Scully answered the unspoken question. "She's a chocolate lab." "Aha." "Goodnight." Scully opened the door and stepped out. "Goodnight," Mulder replied. Scully hopped up the steps to the front door, where she was heartily welcomed by Latte. She turned and waved, and Mulder reluctantly drove away. *** SDRL Boat June 5 9:37 AM Mulder stepped onto the lab's newly-repaired boat. He winced slightly as the thought of spending time at sea. He could almost feel his stomach getting queasy already. All thoughts of sea sickness vanished as Mulder caught sight of Scully. She stood at the bow, scanning the horizon. She was clad in khaki shorts, a white tank top, and a light blue shirt that was unbuttoned and had the sleeves rolled up. On her feet was a pair of sandals, no socks. Her coppery hair blew gently in the breeze, framing her tanned face. Mulder stared fixedly, taking in every inch of her body. Scully turned to face Mulder, grinning. "Welcome aboard." She hopped over a coil of rope at her feet and crossed the deck to stand in front of him. "Hope you brought your Dramamine," she laughed. Mulder smiled and patted his belly for effect. "I'll try not to get too sick," he replied. Grant, whom Mulder hadn't seen inside the cabin, gunned the engine and they set off. Scully leaned against the wall and glanced out at the water. A spray of water nearly sent Mulder reeling to the deck. Scully's grin widened as she raced to the rail. Mulder grimaced at his now-soaked t-shirt and joined her. A moment later, a sleek, grey from broke the surface. It was joined by a second, and a third. "Hey, guys!" yelled Scully over the noise of the motor. Mulder looked quizzically at her. "They're our resident friendly, wild dolphins," she explained. "Kea, Sandy, and Holly." She pointed at the lead dolphin. "That's Kea. He's the biggest - and the most playful. Over there, that's Sandy. She's the most affectionate. That one, there, is Holly. She isn't quite as sociable, but she still hangs around quite a bit." Mulder gaped, amazed at the sight, but Scully's face melted to one of worry. "They shouldn't be here. Going into the contaminated area could make them very sick." Nodding, Mulder replied, "There's nothing we can do about it." Scully shook her head, then resigned herself to silent watchfulness. After about an hour, Grant cut the engine. He joined them at the railing, also concerned for the trio of dolphins. "This is it," he said. He pulled forth a tube for sample collection. Mulder and Scully watched as he filled it carefully. "Is there any way to get a camera down there?" Mulder asked. "To look for discarded barrels?" Grant thought for a moment. "Not in any safe manner. We could put one right below the surface, but we wouldn't have the freedom to move it deeper." "Have you checked for containers or anything like that before?" Grant shook his head. "Our resources are few. We don't have that kind of money." "But you do have a submersible?" Mulder asked. "On loan, yes. But we can't get it out to this distance, not without a larger boat to carry it out here," replied Grant. "Well, let's get those tests run, then we'll see what we can come up with," Mulder advised. Scully and Grant nodded in agreement, and Grant turned to start the engine. *** Sea Star Café 6:32 PM Mulder gazed around at the throng of people that packed the small café. An upbeat song with almost non-sensical lyrics filled the air, it's cheerful melodies adding to the tropical flair of the restaurant. Mounted on the wall a few feet away was an enormous marlin. He glanced across the table at Scully, who was studying him intently. Self-consciously, Mulder took a large sip of his Coke and looked away. Mulder spoke first, breaking the uneasy mood. "So, do you have any interesting dolphin stories?" Scully grinned and nodded. "I have a million!" Mulder raised his eyebrows skeptically. "I've found they seem to have a stronger sense of humor than humans give them credit for. Kea, especially." She paused to sip her Diet Coke. "He loves to join Grant and me on dives, and thinks that SCUBA gear is the greatest toy. He'll rest in the trail of bubbles until he has to get a breath of air, or he'll set his chin on my shoulder just to see what I'm doing." "Just like a little kid," replied Mulder with a smile. "Exactly. He *loves* to play, too. His favorite game is to push me around on his nose." Scully grinned at the thought. "Or tag. He loves tag." "Sounds like fun," Mulder commented. "It is , it really is. You should try it sometime." Mulder's eyes widened. "Swim with them?" "Sure, why not?" Mulder' mouth moved silently. "But - " "But what?" You'll love it." Her eyes sparkled like crystal pools. "Come on." She took Mulder by the arm and led him out to the beach. As she had expected, Kea and Sandy were waiting impatiently for her. Scully dragged an unsure Mulder into the water. Nervously, he reached a hand out to stroke Kea's chin. The dolphin responded with a contented squeal. Suddenly, Scully dove underwater. Mulder frantically searched for her, as Kea swam off. The water was startlingly calm, and Mulder began to panic. Scully's head broke the surface right behind Mulder. Kea's loud breath made Mulder jump. The young dolphin nudged Mulder's hand, then presented his dorsal fin. Mulder looked at Scully in alarm, but she only smiled. Gently, Mulder's fingers curled around the fin. His arm was just about ripped off as Kea sped away. He took hold with both hands and spit out a mouthful of water. As Mulder became more comfortable, a grin played on his features. He was aware of something moving beside him. Turning, he saw Scully being towed by Sandy. She waved at him, then Sandy dove. Scully disappeared from view, then reappeared several feet away. Mulder let go of Kea's fin and swam to Scully. Then two dolphins joined them, clicking and squealing. "They just don't stop, do they?" Mulder yelled over the commotion. Scully beamed at him. "Of course not!" As if to reply, Kea promptly flicked his tail, sending water high into the air. He raised himself halfway out of the water, then came down with a splash. Scully felt a nudge at her foot. She grinned and set the ball of her foot firmly on Kea's slippery snout. Mulder looked on in surprise and she was propelled through the water, arms spread wide The upper half of her body was lifted high out of the water. Her arms flew above her head just as Kea dived. A moment later, she was launched from the water. Mulder's breath caught in his throat as she hung in mid-air for an eternity. Scully re-entered the water with scarcely a splash, then appeared right next to Mulder. "Wow," was all he could say. "I know what you mean. The first time he did that, I just about had a heart attack," laughed Scully. She rubbed Kea's back. "But I trust him completely. With my life," she added more seriously. Mulder glanced up at the rapidly-setting sun. Reluctantly, Scully turned and swam to the shore. Mulder joined her, wringing water out of his t-shirt. They waved good-bye to Sandy and Kea and watched the dolphins retreat into the sunset. Scully was smiling faintly. Mulder gazed at her with a familiar sense of love and respect. The sunset framed her hair like a fiery halo, setting each strand ablaze. Her sapphire eyes sparkled with intelligence. Mulder blinked himself back to Earth. Scully was looking at him concernedly. "Did you hear me?" "Sorry, I blanked out there for a moment. What did you say?" Scully scrutinized him. "I said, we'd better get back. It's late, and getting cold." Mulder nodded in agreement. They headed down the beach silently, watching the waves break. Scully stumbled, pitching forward. Mulder grabbed her arm to steady her. She looked up at him, a grateful smile touching her lips. Mulder felt his insides turn to jelly. He realized that he was still holding her arm, and gently let go. They continued toward the nearby lab, but Mulder's mind was a million miles away. The feelings he had repressed for the past few years were all returning with amazing strength: protectiveness, love, respect. Mulder almost moved his hand to brush an errant lock of hair from he face, but held himself back. As he watched Scully walk, he got the feeling that she was hiding something from him. Her confidence seemed to falter, her step was not so sure. Something in her eyes begged him to ask, but prohibited the question at the same time. Mulder was perplexed by this new side of her. He yearned to know her secret, but didn't dare ask. Mulder told himself. Still, the thought nagged at the back of his mind incessantly. *** SDRL June 6 10:13 AM Scully trotted across the deck to the dolphin pen, where Charlotte and Belle waited impatiently. "Okay, okay!" she exclaimed. She picked up several toys and threw them into the center of the pool. Slipping a whistle into her mouth, she pointed at Belle and then made the signal for an inner tube: moving her index finger in a circle. With a flick of her wrist, Scully sent the dolphin on it's way. A few moments later, Belle brought the inner tube back. Scully blew the whistle promptly, tossed Belle a mackerel and praised her verbally. The training session proceeded similarly for another fifteen minutes before Scully felt rather than heard someone watching. She turned around to see Mulder watching her with a grin on his face. She quickly ended the session and moved to stand next to him. "Any word on the water's toxins?" asked Mulder. Scully nodded, her brows furrowed in worry. "The levels have risen by another part per million. If something isn't done soon, this place will be a wasteland." Her controlled voice wavered with sadness. "It really is beautiful," added Mulder. "I mean, without the pollution." "It's even more beautiful under the surface. It's like a second world." She cocked her head and smiled. "Like an alien world, almost." Mulder let out a soft laugh. "I told you they were out there, Scully." She shook her head, laughter shining in her eyes. Their banter was interrupted by Grant's arrival. His mouth was twisted grimly. "Dana, I just got a report of more dumping, this time out near Steiger Island. Could you two check it out? I've got to check on some invertebrates at ground zero." Scully nodded. "Sure, should we take the Zodiac? Steiger Island's not too far from here." "Yeah, bring a radio, just in case." "Okay, see you later," Scully called over her shoulder as she headed for the equipment room. She quickly gathered up an underwater camera, some binoculars and a few other supplies, then headed back out to the dock. They stepped into the raft, and Scully seated herself at the rear. With practiced ease, she brought the engine to life, and Mulder untied the boat. They sped off toward the horizon. When Scully finally killed the motor they looked around expectantly, as if the culprits would just appear magically. After a moment, Scully shook her head and set to work taking samples. Mulder watched her every move, memorizing her face and body. He knew that, after this case, it would be unlikely that he would ever see her again. The thought sobered him instantly. Mulder just happened to glance up in time to see a large boat rounding the far side of the island. He shrugged it off. As Scully wordlessly put the samples into the case, she heard the engine of the approaching boat. Her eyes narrowed in confusion as she scrutinized the scene. "That's odd. Boats don't usually come by the island, unless they have some business. I don't see why they would, though. It's deserted." A sinking feeling settled into their stomachs. Scully raised the binoculars and took a closer look. And her heart skipped a beat. Covering the deck were at least a dozen barrels. The boat slowed to a stop, and Scully reached for the underwater camera she had brought with. Mulder took the binoculars from her and studied the boat as Scully furiously snapped pictures. There was a hollow *thud* as each barrel was dumped into the water. "We have to stop them!" Scully hissed. "Us and what army?" retorted Mulder. Scully glared at him and returned to taking pictures. Just then, someone else joined the criminals at edge of the boat. They were pointing and obviously yelling about something. The people stopped, then disappeared inside the cabin. The engine roared to life. Mulder gulped uneasily and set down the binoculars. "Scully," he said slowly, "let's get out of here." Scully nodded in reply and started the engine on their own raft. She turned them around and fled as fast as possible. But it wasn't fast enough. The boat bore down on them with amazing speed. Scully drew a ragged breath, already sure of the other boat's plans. Mulder understood her look of dismay. At the last second, he grabbed her arm and flung them both into the water. The Zodiac was shattered into a million pieces as it was rammed. The larger boat disappeared, leaving Mulder and Scully to fend for themselves. "Scully?" Mulder called as he glanced around. "Scully!" He dove underwater, desperately searching for her. Panic rose as he saw her sinking slowly a few feet away. Mulder wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her roughly to the surface. "Scully!" he cried. Her eyes fluttered open and she coughed up seawater. She groaned softly as Mulder prodded the small wound on her forehead. "You must've hit your head on something," he said. Mulder looked up at Steiger Island and moaned. As if on cue, there was a sudden squealing from behind him. He whirled around to see Kea speeding toward them. "Perfect timing," Scully whispered as if she's been expecting him all along. Mulder took hold of the dolphin's dorsal and Kea towed them steadily toward the island. *** SDRL 3:00 PM "Where are they?" murmured Grant worriedly. "They should have been back a long time ago." His eyebrows knitted. "I'm sure they just found something interesting on the way back and stopped to check it out." Grant turned around to see one of the summer interns standing behind him. "I hope so, Chris. But somehow I don't think that's the case. I can't raise them on the radio." He sighed dejectedly. "We'll give them another half hour, then we'll go looking for them." Grant turned back to the horizon, searching for them with a sense of futility. *** Steiger Island Time Unknown Scully flopped onto the sand, wincing as a jolt of pain ripped through her head. She stared at the water as if glaring at it would bring a rescue. Mulder sat down next to her, averting his gaze. "Kea's gone." Scully looked sidelong at him. "Maybe he went to find help," she offered. "Maybe." Mulder paused, then tilted his head toward the beach. "Looks like we got the boat back." Bits of the Zodiac were beginning to wash ashore. Scully frowned at the sky, where the sun was falling rapidly. "I think we'd better get some sort of shelter up. We may be in for an overnight stay." Mulder nodded mutely. Scully moved to get up, but Mulder put a restraining hand on her shoulder. "You stay there, rest for awhile. I'll do it." Scully opened her mouth to protest, but shut it when she saw his stern look. Mulder disappeared into the trees, leaving Scully to mull over their predicament. *** When Mulder finally finished their shelter, the sun was all but gone. He looked over at Scully, who had fallen fast asleep. He smiled, then crept to her side. Gently, he lifted her up and carried her to the small shelter. She stirred, but did not wake. Mulder couldn't resist the urge to brush a stray lock of hair from her face. As he did so, she shivered. Feeling foolish for not thinking of it before, he softly laid his windbreaker over her shoulders. Mulder then began to build a small fire. He gathered a few nearby sticks and piled them together. Finding two rocks to start the fire was more difficult. It took him quite awhile, and by the time he found them he had to light it in the dark. Once the fire was lit, he sat back and tried to relax. He knew he'd never get to sleep, but he needed as much rest as he could get. Mulder watched Scully long into the night. *** Sometime in the middle of the night Scully opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the bright fire. She reached up and felt Mulder's windbreaker on her back. A smile flashed across her face momentarily, then vanished when she realized that Mulder was gone. At that moment, Mulder reappeared with more wood for the fire. "Welcome back to the land of the living," Mulder deadpanned as he settled against the log behind him. Scully blinked groggily and sat up, her headache having subsided to a dull throb. They sat, staring at the fire, for quite some time before Scully finally broke the silence. "Mulder, we need to talk." "No kidding. The silence is deafening," Mulder replied. Scully gave him her patented, cut-the-bull look. "You know what I mean." Mulder shut his mouth and nodded, shifting his gaze to the crackling flames. "You mean about what happened two years ago." Scully made no reply. "I meant what I said a few days ago. You have every right to be angry with me." Scully considered his words for a few moments. "I suppose so, but I'm not." Mulder raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. "I sure would've been angry if someone had ditched me like that." "I *was.* In fact, I quit the Bureau in a fit of anger. But it's done. I'm not angry at you any more." She frowned, then continued. "I guess I'm just more angry at myself, that's all." "Why? You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault." Mulder frowned in confusion. Scully picked up a stick and poked at the fire. "I overreacted," she said finally. Scully snorted. "I left everything behind over *that*." "But you're happy here." It wasn't a question. Scully stopped poking the fire and looked up at him. "Yes." "Isn't that better than chasing a crackpot partner who's liable to ditch you at a critical moment?" Scully winced at his words. "I wouldn't say 'crackpot'," she tried. "It's true, though, isn't it?" Mulder pressed. Squirming uncomfortably, Scully replied, "Yes." Mulder sat back, pleased that he'd gotten a straight answer from her. "But it gets lonely." "Lonely?" repeated Mulder incredulously. "With five dolphins fawning over you? And Dr. Robson?" "Let's just say Grant isn't exactly the greatest company. As for the dolphins...well, I need someone human to talk to once in awhile." Scully fell silent. Mulder again felt that she was hiding something from him. This time, though, he had a good idea what it was. "What happened between you and Dr. Robson?" Scully inhaled sharply and looked away. "Never mind, it's none of my business," Mulder said quickly. "No," Scully answered firmly. "It's okay." She sighed heavily. "I didn't lie to you when I told you before. I just didn't tell you everything. We did have an affair; I know that's what you're thinking. Yes, I had sex with him. He even asked me to marry him, but I wasn't ready for that. I said no, and it made him feel like an idiot. We didn't speak to each other for a long time, and that made work really awkward. I was afraid he was going to fire me. He didn't, and miraculously we got back to where we were originally - a solid, strictly professional friendship." Mulder was silent as he let the information sink in. "What time is it?" Scully asked finally, changing the subject. Mulder shrugged and held up his wrist. "My watch stopped." He watched as she stifled a yawn, and was about to tell her to go to sleep when she continued. "What have you been doing for the last two years?" Scully asked. "Same thing I usually do. Put myself in danger unnecessarily then go home and watch TV all night," he replied bluntly. "No alien chasing or ghost hunting?" Mulder shook his head. "Nah. Not anymore. I'm just the guy without a social life." He tried to smile weakly. Scully frowned. she thought worriedly. Scully stifled another yawn. "Get some rest," Mulder directed her. She shook her head vehemently. "No, I'm not tired." She yawned again and shivered. "Yeah, right," Mulder shot back. "Come here." Cautiously, Scully inched to his side. Mulder wrapped her in his arms gently. She relaxed visibly and settled herself against his side. Scully mused briefly. She quickly shoved the thought aside. Within moments she was fast asleep on his shoulder, her breath falling softly on his neck. Mulder was comforted merely by her presence and fell asleep soon after. *** June 7 Dawn Scully's eyes fluttered open. Bright sunlight shone off the water before her, and she had to squint. The sand beneath her cheek began to scratch at her skin. Sand? Where was Mulder? Scully shot up, banging her head on the roof of the shelter. Mulder's laughter echoed in her ears. She looked up to see him striding toward her from across the beach, shirtless and soaking wet. "Where were you?" Scully asked, gingerly rubbing her head. "Early morning swim," replied Mulder, shaking his hair out like a dog. He pulled his t-shirt on over his head, then gave Scully a hand up. "I'm starved," exclaimed Scully. She grimaced as the hunger rumbled in her stomach. "Me too," Mulder agreed. From the beach, Kea squealed in agreement. Scully grinned and rushed to greet him. "Where'd you go, boy?" she queried, stroking his chin. Kea backed up, then sunk under the waves. He leapt high into the air several times, each time letting out a joyful cry. Mulder and Scully looked on curiously, unsure of what he was trying to accomplish. When he finally settled down, they heard the rumble of a boat. Scully's head snapped around to see the lab's boat approaching. Almost instinctually, she started waving her arms and yelling. The boat turned toward them, eliciting a sigh of relief from Mulder and Scully. Scully wrapped her arms around Kea. "Thanks buddy," she praised. Kea chirped in response. The boat stopped near the shore, and Mulder and Scully waded out to meet it. Grant leaned worriedly over, helping them in. "Are you guys okay?" he asked. They nodded in unison. "Just hungry," replied Scully. Grant dug into a cooler and produced a couple sandwiches, which Mulder and Scully began to eat greedily. "I thought you two might be hungry," Grant said with a smile. Kea screeched at them. Scully gave him a funny look and was about to return to her sandwich when she spotted something in his mouth. It was the camera! Scully took it from him, glee spreading across her face. "We can get them!" she exclaimed. Grant looked quizzically at her. "We got pictures of them in the act! That's when we got rammed," Scully explained. Grant's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Rammed?" Mulder nodded. "By the same people we found dumping. They saw us, and hit us. Kea got us to shore." Grinning, Grant answered, "Then let's go bust some polluters." *** SDRL June 10 11:21 AM "Thank you for all of your help. I'm sure all the denizens of the deep are grateful as well." Scully paused, watching his face intently. "Feel free to come by anytime," she offered. "I mean it." She smiled coyly. Mulder enveloped her in a hug. "I might just take you up on that," Mulder answered. He pulled back, grinning. "See you later." From the water, Kea screeched at him. "You too," he added, laughing. "See you later," Scully returned. With one last look, Mulder walked away. Scully sighed sadly as she watched him vanish from her life again. *** Sea Star Café July 2 1:30 PM The man entered the café, scanning it's occupants. He spotted the woman he was looking for in a booth on the far side of the room. In several long strides, he reached the table. The woman was obviously distracted; she hadn't noticed him. "Mind if I sit here?" he queried. Her head shot up and an incredulous grin broke out on her face. "Mulder? Go ahead!" Mulder sat across from her. "What are you doing here so soon? Get sick of smog?" she added. "I live here," he answered matter-of-factly. He beamed as her jaw dropped through the floor. "Really?" Scully almost squeaked. She couldn't hide the delight on her face. "I got a transfer to the Miami field office," Mulder informed her. "That's great!" "Did Kea miss me?" he asked. "Of course. He always misses his play toys when they leave," Scully laughed. "Well, I'm here to stay." THE END Well, what did you think?? Please tell me at dkscully@softhome.net!!! BTW, if you're wondering, the title came from a song on the 'Tarzan' soundtrack. I bought the CD shortly after I started writing this, and I thought the lyrics were totally appropriate. They are below: "Put your faith in what you most believe in Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see A paradise untouched by man Within this world blessed with love A simple life, they live in peace Softly tread the sand below your feet now Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see Beneath the shelter of the trees Only love can enter here A simple life, they live in peace Raise your head up Lift high the load Take strength from those that need you Build high the walls Build strong the beams A new life is waiting But danger's no stranger here No words describe a mother's tears No words can heal a broken heart A dream is gone, but where there's hope Somewhere something is calling for you Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see" -Kirsten