All characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and Twentieth Century FOX Broadcasting... No copyright infringement is intended... Joanne Thornton belongs to yours truly... At least she likes me to believe she does... Summary: An physical brings unexpected and unwanted news... Spoilers: Redux, Redux 2 Rating: PG, really... I guess. Wow... been a while. This takes place before we realised that Mulder wasn't dead... At least... Jo still thinks he is. Umm... yeah... that's about it. Hope you enjoy. Comments, praise, suggestions, flames, all of the above are accepted and dealt with accordingly. Feedback is greatly appreciated and WILL be replied to... If I don't, or haven't, please feel free to flame me, and I'll gladly respond to that... ;-) Introspective Nicole van Dam ... In recent days I have discovered myself, it seems. I no longer see the face in the mirror that I once did. I have changed... In a matter of days. I never questioned my ability; I enjoyed being unique and magical. Those moments, however, have been shattered. I am still unique, but no more magical than the shining red eyes of a Siamese, or the blanched fur of a white tiger. A simple lack of pigment. I do not lack, mind you, I have accumulated. I have replacements. I am, in modern terms, a genetic abnormality. I never noticed my routine. I never realised its implications. I love the night. Ever since I was born, night became not my enemy nor my fear, but my guide and my ally. It hides me. I love my solitude as well. It's surfeiting in its way of clearing the mind. More or less, I have always been on my own. In this, I have found myself. I am the Stalker... ********* The narrow corridors were barely lit, making it hard for her to move, never mind aiming at anything. Her boots thumped softly against the floor as she walked along the hall. The dim lights on the walls made it difficult to really see anything clearly. But then that was the point. Her head cocked slightly, hearing a click coming from around the corner. She crouched low, her gun still holstered. Her hands were held up in front of her slightly; ready for any action. "The gun, woman... Use the gun." One of the two men behind a one-way mirror shook his head as the shadow rounded the corner into a large room where the mirror overlooked. "Let her do it her way, Lancaster," the other man said. The paint gun was safely tucked in the leather holster on her back, but she opted not to use it. She liked it hand to hand much better. Her hand came to her forehead, wiping a bead of sweat from her eye as she crept into the room where the final test was. Ten thin wood ‘targets' in the form of people would come from the floor or the roof, it didn't matter. Some came from the walls. She remembered this test all the way back to the Academy. It didn't get her then, either. She stepped a few feet into the room, hearing her foot click against the floor. Target number one, then they all come in succession. The man popped up from the floor three feet in front of her, a gun pointed at her. The woman leapt for it, taking the wood from its holder on the floor. She landed hard, but jumped back up again as the second target jumped up from the floor. Her hand lashed out, nailing a hole through the ‘sniper's' head. Number three came from the ceiling right beside her. Leaping effortlessly into the air, she spun around, splintering the wood with a hook kick and landing, her hands at the ready. Number four was on the other side of the room, so she reached swiftly for the gun, dropping to her knee in the process and shooting the target in the chest. She rolled over the floor, leaping to her feet beside number five and sweeping the target from its hold. It landed with a clatter as she shot number six in the corner of the room. Resting the gun on her forearm, she nailed the seventh which was level with the floor. Running for the other side of the room, number eight jumped up and was dealt another hook kick, taking its head off. The woman faced the wall, looking it over for any other surprises. She wasn't ready for the finale. Nine and ten appeared behind her on the other side of the room. She spun around, dropping the gun. "No... God dammit..." The man covered his eyes. Her hands were a blur as she dropped to her knee and reached to her sides, pulling out her weapons of choice. The metal weapons flew from her hands, sticking firmly in the two targets' chests, the wood shifting back and forth. The one man who had continued to watch raised his eyebrows. He scribbled onto his clipboard silently. When he looked up again, the woman had retrieved her personal weapons and held them in her hand. "You've got one hell of a partner there, Lancaster," he said. Seamus Lancaster looked up. "She got it?" The man nodded. "Indeed." He pressed a button beside the mirror. "You can come through the door, please, Agent Thornton." The door opened a second later and Joanne Thornton walked through, running a hand over her hair. "How'd I do?" she breathed. "Very well," the man told her. "In record time, however I'm afraid unregistered weapons aren't allowed." Thornton looked at the sais in her hand. "Sorry, Chester." Chester Linel glanced at her and shook his head with a smile. "Jo, you're going to get arrested yet, I can feel it." Jo chuckled. "Only if they catch me." She looked up at her partner. "So, Shay, what'd you think?" Seamus frowned. "Why not the gun?" he asked. "You were given the gun." "It's unsportsmanlike," she replied. "Boring, in other words. Anyone can shoot a gun." She turned back to the supervisor. "So, what's the verdict? Am I healthy and ready for a re-cert?" Linel shook his head. "You should get a physical from a doctor, just as an extra precaution. The tests Covey did don't show anything, but just in case." Jo nodded. "Sure thing." She turned to her partner and raised her eyebrows. Lancaster chuckled and rested his hand on her shoulder, leading her out of the room. "Jo, out of everyone here, I'm glad you're the one covering my ass." Jo smirked and leaned back, taking a glance at the said feature. Putting a hand on his arm, she opened the door. "Well, Shay, out of everyone here, I'm glad yours is the ass I'm covering." ******** Two days later... "Hey Jo!" Joanne Thornton looked up from the cheap wooden desk among the sea of desk-jockeys to see her partner holding up a phone. "You got a call!" Thornton pushed the paperwork aside at picked up the receiver from the corner of the desk. "Hello?" "Jo, how are you doing?" The Brazilian smiled at the familiar voice and leaned back in her chair. "Dana," she said. "I'm fine, how goes it with you?" There was a sigh over the line. "Okay," came the reply. Long pause. "Dana, what is it?" "I need to see you. There's something I need to show you." Thornton stared at her partner who was watching her from his own desk a few rows over. Lancaster knew that she and Dana Scully were friends, but had never been told about her cancer. He had always thought she looked a little pale whenever he saw her around the VCS, which she did frequent for cases and to talk to Jo. "Where are you?" Jo asked. She ran and hand over her face. Things had been rough ever since Mulder had died. It had been difficult on both of them, just to adjust. "I'll meet you at The Studio. It's just across from--" "Yeah, I know where it is." Jo looked up to see Seamus heading toward her. "I'll be there in five." Scully hung up without saying goodbye and sighed. She looked up from the desk in front of her in the dark office. She smirked across the floor at her partner who stood in front of the door. "She's going to kill you, you know that." Fox Mulder just smiled. ******* He watched her silently for a moment. "Is everything okay?" Thornton pushed her arms through her jacket and grabbed her gloves from the pocket. "Yeah fine," she replied, disappearing before he could reply. She knew he would know she was lying and she didn't want to tell him anything. "Jo..." "I'll be back in an hour," she called back to him. Seamus frowned. He knew something was up. Something was wrong. Jo pushed through the front doors of the VCS and jumped down the five steps leading up them. She could see her breath in the air before her as she jogged to the side of the street, looking for a safe time to cross. She wasn't exactly sure of the nature of Scully's call. Important, was really the only thing she could pick out. It was really important. The Brazilian frowned as the 5 degree weather cut through her leather jacket. She shivered slightly. All she could think of as she ran across the road was that it had better be good. ******** The Studio was an artsy kind of cafe that Jo and Dana frequented for lunch since it was closest to both of them. It's dark and homey atmosphere was a great place to kick back and unwind. Thornton opened the door and welcomed the heady scent of coffee rush over her. She walked slowly up to the bar, looking for any sign of her friend at all. "Jo," came a familiar voice. Joanne turned to the man behind the counter and nodded her head. "Hey Alex," she said. "Dana in here?" The man nodded with a wide smile. Jo frowned. "What is it?" He jerked his head toward the booths in the back. "She's over there," he said. "What can I bring you?" Jo started off to the back and lifted her hands, gesturing to the man behind th bar. "A big cup of coffee," she called back. "Sumatran." Alex grinned. "As always." Thornton spied Scully in the back and walked up to the table, standing in front of it. "Dana," she said. Scully nodded, blank faced. "Jo," she replied. The waited in silence, one waiting for the other to start. "So what's going on?" Jo finally asked impatiently. The redhead's eyes flicked over Jo's shoulder and back to her face. "There's someone here to see you," she told her, a smile crossing her features. Fed up of the waiting, Thornton spun around and almost fell on the table. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe who was standing in front of her. Her mouth fell open slightly, but nothing came out. Mulder smirked. "Jo," he greeted. Thornton shook her head slightly. "No," she said, looking up at him. She reached up with her right hand to touch his face. Her fingers were tentative and unsure. "Mulder..." He smiled and nodded slightly. "It's me," assured her. A smile started ever so slowly across her face. The Brazilian moved her hand to his neck and pulled him into a hug. "Oh God," she said, her eyes closed. Fox smiled at his partner over Jo's shoulder. Scully looked at him and took a sip of the coffee in front of her. He grunted at the force behind her embrace and was slightly relieved when she pulled away. Mulder looked down at her and smiled, noting a tear in her eye. Thornton looked him over and once she determined that he was okay, she slapped across his chest lightly. "How come you didn't call?!" she demanded. The order was somewhat lost with the big smile across her face. Mulder jerked back a little and laughed. "Ask Scully." Jo turned around with a raised eyebrow. "You knew about him?" Dana nodded with a smirk. She turned back to Mulder, who offered her a napkin. "You have something in your eye," he told her with a smile. Thornton glanced around the area, taking the napkin from him. "Thanks," she replied, wiping her eyes with it. After stuffing the napkin into her pocket, she slid into the booth beside Dana, looking at the two of them. "So what happened?" Mulder smirked and straddled a chair in front of the two women. He motioned to his partner. "Scully?" Scully looked at Thornton. "I hope you've got a while..." ******** Joanne Thornton tossed her leather jacket onto her couch and walked to the floor-ceiling windows. A smile spread across her face and she shook her head. Mulder had returned. She stifled a laugh. Mulder had never left. What a surprise. And a good one at that. First a great result on her annual test at the bureau and now Mulder. Jo sighed and walked to her bedroom. The physical at the hospital tomorrow would just be the icing on the cake, she was sure. Things were starting to go well ever since she and Skinner had kind of split. Her life hadn't been all that wonderful since then and she was, for the first time in a long while, beginning to feel that things were beginning to fall back into place... ******** Doctor Bradley Wiltzer looked up at the Brazilian from the file in his hands. His expression caused her to shift on the metal table in the examination room. Her physical had gone well. Everything was fine and there was only one test that she had yet to hear about. Jo watched the doctor carefully, trying among everything else that was happening, to remember that Mulder would be by to pick her up to go to a movie afterwards. Her patience started to wear slightly thin. "What?" Thornton asked, the cold metal starting to seep through to her bones. "Your cholesterol count," Wiltzer said. "Yeah...?" The doctor swallowed. "You don't have one." Thornton frowned. "I don't... how? That's not possible." "I don't know why, Joanne." He paused and glanced at the results in his hand. "All I can think of is to do more tests. I don't know how to explain it with the results I have. I... wasn't looking for something like that." Jo studied the floor. "I... I don't know what to..." She sighed. "Okay. Let's do more tests." ******** Dana Scully turned the corner in the hospital, trying to find her friend. Jo had called her earlier, telling her what was going on and asking her to come down so she could have another opinion on the test results. Mulder was supposed to be on his way in about a half hour. There she was. The Brazilian sat in deep thought, her arms crossed in front of her chest. The pastel hospital gown unknowingly flattered her dark skin. "Hey," she said. Thornton looked up with a frown on her face. "Hi." Scully sat beside her and sighed. "So... Have you heard anything?" Jo shook her head. "Nothing. They said they'd be done half an hour ago." Dana put a hand on her friend's arm. "It'll be fine," she told her. "Dana, I don't have a cholesterol count." Jo turned to look at the redhead. "None at all." She took a deep breath, looking to the ceiling. "You need cholesterol to survive, Dana, I don't need to tell you that." Scully watched the Brazilian closely. "No... you don't." Thornton sniffed quietly, attracting her attention. Gripping her hand tightly, Dana looked at Jo. "I'm sure everything will be fine, Jo. I'm sure of it." Thornton smiled meekly at Scully. They both turned simultaneously at the sound of footfalls in the hallway and a tall doctor turned the corner. He stopped in front of the two women. "Ms. Thornton?" Jo straightened. "Yeah?" The doctor stepped forward, extending his hand. "Doctor O'Brien." Jo took his hand and shook it firmly. "The results are in," he said. "Would you come with me?" Thornton glanced at the woman beside her and stood slowly. Dana followed, making sure the doctor knew that she wasn't leaving her side. The three of them walked to a small room down the hall that had x-rays along the wall and test tubes and various other medical tools and supplies around. Jo stopped and watched the doctor move to pick up a file. Dana stood about a metre away from her, her arms crossed in front of her chest. The doctor turned around and glanced at Jo. "After reviewing the tests we conducted about your cholesterol count, or lack thereof, we..." he looked at Scully. "We found something abnormal." Jo took a deep breath. "Abnormal... kay, that's not something I'm unused to." She pushed against the table behind her gently. "What did you find?" He watched Scully stare at him as if he was nervous of her presence. "You're not talking to me, sir," she said calmly, motioning at Thornton. O'Brien nodded, turning back to Jo. "Ms. Thornton, I don't know how up to date you are on the feline genome--" "Pretty up to date," she answered before he could finish. "So hearing that the feline, aside from apes and monkeys, is the closest mammal to the human, genetically speaking isn't news? Dana frowned and straightened. Where the hell was he going with that? Jo shook her head. "No, it's not," she replied, her brow furrowed. "Why?" O'Brien shifted his weight. He wasn't exactly sure how to go about this, but he was anxious to get it over with. "Ms. Thornton, I don't know how to say this, because I am extremely doubtful, however the.." He laughed in disbelief, waggling the file. "The evidence is right here." The Brazilian felt her heart skip a beat and she stepped forward. "What is it?" she asked anxiously. The doctor looked straight at her. "Your bloodstream contains the feline genome." Thornton glanced at Scully, who was equally shocked and confused. The redhead moved closer. "What are you talking about?" she asked, taking the file from him. "The evidence is there," he told Scully. "Ms. Thornton has the feline genome in her system." Dana looked up. "And the human genome?" she asked. "It's there, too," he said. "She has both. It's... extremely rare, but there have been documented cases that a person has had two different gene sequences, but one always lies dormant." "But a genome from a different species?" "I know," he replied. "I'm just as skeptical as you are, but it's there. But the feline genome isn't resting dormant." Scully looked at him. "What do you mean?" He leaned in closer to her, pointing at the file. "That's why she doesn't have a cholesterol count. Cholesterol isn't a factor in felines, they eat fat and protein regularly and nothing happens." The agent looked up at her friend. "How accurate is that, Jo?" she asked. Thornton turned her head to the sound, but her eyes didn't register. "Very accurate," she replied indifferently. She reached a hand behind her, steadying herself on the table a few inches behind. "I still don't understand," Scully said, shaking her head. "How come she looks like she does then?" O'Brien shrugged. "That, I don't know. I could be the fact that the human genome just overrides the feline one." He paused. "I mean, it's not like she turns into a cat or anything, so there's some kind of discrepancy." Scully's heart felt like it had stopped and her eyes widened. It took them the year just to find out what triggered Jo's unique transformation. Now in the period of a couple hours... That's why... She looked over at Jo who was studying the floor ahead of her. Of course. It wasn't magic at all, it never had been. It was all genetic, but... "I have an idea," the doctor said. Scully looked up at him. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a thermometer. Peeling away the paper, he moved toward Jo. Thornton looked at him as he approached and offered the thermometer to her. She took it without question and stuck it in her mouth. Dana watched O'Brien carefully, wondering what he was trying to do. A few minutes later, he pulled the thermometer from the Brazilian's mouth and looked at it closely. He pulled his lips taught and showed it to Scully. Her brow furrowed immediately. "102.5 degrees!" she exclaimed. She turned and looked at Jo. "Jo, how are you feeling?" Thornton sighed. "Fine." Scully turned to O'Brien. "What the hell is this?" she asked. "She should be prostrate." The doctor shook his head, but before he could answer, Jo spoke. "38.6 degrees Celsius or 101.5 Farenheit," she said. "It's the normal body temperature of a cat, give or take half a degree Celsius, or one degree Farenheit." She pushed herself from the table and stood still for a moment, looking like she wasn't sure what to do. "I'm going to change." Thornton walked out of the room silently, leaving the two doctors alone. Scully looked at O'Brien, then to the disappearing figure and decided to follow the latter. Dana shoved the file into O'Brien's hands and walked swiftly out of the examination room. Only she couldn't see Jo anywhere. Scully frowned. "Jo?" she called, looking back and forth down the hall. "Scully!" Dana spun on her heel to see her partner rounding the corner. He smiled at her as he approached. "You guys ready?" he asked. The redhead stared at him. "I don't know where Jo went." "What do you mean, you don't know?" "I mean I don't know, Mulder," she replied sternly. "She... didn't get very good news. Or at least, news she didn't want to hear." Fox frowned. "What do you mean? She was just going for a physical." "Yeah..." Scully glanced down the hall again, leaning one way and the other to try to spot her friend. "She, ah...." Looking up at her partner, Dana sighed. "Her cholesterol count, Mulder." "What? It's too high?" She paused. "She doesn't have a level, Mulder. Nothing." "Nothing?" he repeated. "But, I don't--" "There's been an explanation," she told him. She turned and started down the hall to look for Jo. Mulder followed her. "What's the explanation?" Scully sighed, having difficulty deciding whether she should tell him, or look for Jo. "She's got... It's not... oh, God... She has the feline genome within her system." Fox stopped in the hall. "The feline genome?" "I don't know much more than that, Mulder. We just need to find her." Scully glanced inside a room. "She went to get changed and disappeared." ******** The street looked somewhat peaceful. Still as busy and scattered, but somehow withheld a certain organisation and order. A tall businessman walked casually down the street, briefcase in hand. He stopped abruptly when a small pebble fell in front of his face. Glancing up, he couldn't see anything that would have dropped a rock on him. Which is because she wasn't near the ledge. Joanne Thornton fingered another rock, studying it carefully before sending it over the edge of the building. She was crouched against the wall near the staircase door which led to the roof. She hadn't changed yet, the long hospital gown swaying slightly in the breeze. Jo closed her eyes, her thoughts moving back almost two years. That case, her first with Mulder and Scully, was when most of her Instinct had been explained to her. --"In order to have the ability to metamorphose, you must have the marks." The Spirit motioned to Atilla. "Three identical scars, anywhere on the body plus the magic of the amulet."-- Jo's fingers drifted to the three scars on her left cheek bone, tracing them lightly. She frowned and looked up. "You told me I was magic..." "Jo?" Thornton turned swiftly, surprised at the intrusion. Mulder appeared from around the corner and looked down at her. The Brazilian swallowed. "Dana told you?" she asked, pretty much knowing the answer. Fox nodded, moving slowly to her side. "Just the basics," he replied. Jo stifled a laugh. "That's all I know," she told him, turning to look him in the eye. "I almost think any more details would complicate things to a point that I don't need right now." She swallowed, suddenly looking at the gravel beneath her bare feet. "You and ah... Skinner still haven't..." Mulder was having a hard time finding delicate words. "No," she responded, before he had finished. Thornton looked across the roof. "I... haven't spoken to him since those few words in the parking lot after the Veteran's Day memorial. I'm not sure if..." She turned her head to look at him. "Today just made things way too complex." Mulder picked a rock from the roof and rolled it between his fingers. "But... you have it explained now," he said. "Your Instinct, the process, the origin. It's all there in front of you." "I didn't want it explained," Jo told him in a low voice. "I wanted it to be a mystery, I wanted it to be unexplained, I..." She sighed. "I wanted it to be magic." Shaking her head, the Brazilian picked up another rock. "I never realised that something... like myself could have been... created by regular conception. It just never occurred to me that the cases I heard about in various University classes and even high school could ever really..." She swallowed again, taking another breath. She looked at Mulder. "Could ever really happen to me." Fox paused a moment, thinking about what the woman beside him had just said to him. All of it was true. Nothing that anyone ever hears that's remotely upsetting ever really realised that it could easily be them on the next turn. Reaching an arm under Jo's, Mulder started to stand. "Come on," he told her. "Scully's having a fit. She'll want to know you're okay." Even though he knew she wasn't. Jo nodded, getting to her feet. She dropped the rock from her fingers, straightening her back, and effectively... building her walls. ******** Dana Scully paced back and forth inside the small room she and Jo had heard the news in. O'Brien wasn't far away, studying the results of the various tests in the corner. They both turned when they heard footsteps to see Mulder and Thornton in the doorway. Jo had changed back into her jeans and tee shirt, a button down shirt hanging open. She shifted back and forth in her dark brown hiking boots. "Jo..." Dana said with a sigh. "Where did you go?" Jo pointed her chin to the ceiling briefly. "To the roof," she replied. "Well," Fox started. "We can still make that movie, if you're interested. Just a chance to forget for a while." Scully looked at Thornton, waiting for the Brazilian's okay. "It's up to you," she said. Jo thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea." Dana moved towards the door just as the doctor behind her spoke up. "Ms. Thornton?" he asked. Thornton looked at O'Brien, her eyebrow lifted in question. "I would like to run some tests, if that's okay. Just to see how this genome relates to your system, if it does respond, and maybe how it got there." The Brazilian shook her head immediately. "No," she replied. "No way." "But--" "*No*," she stressed, staring him down. "I will *not* do any more tests." She turned suddenly and strode down the sterile hallway. Mulder frowned at Scully and glanced at the doctor. Neither were quite sure about why she reacted that way, but turned to follow her. She had disappeared yet again. It wasn't until the steps down to the sidewalk that they finally saw her. Mulder pushed through the door and called her. "Jo!" Thornton stopped halfway down the steps, but didn't turn. She could hear their footsteps come up behind her. Scully approached slowly. "What is it, Jo?" she asked. "I don't understand. Why--" "Dana," Jo interrupted, turning around. "It will not help my standing." "But, Dr. O'Brien just wants to run simple tests, physicals. Just to find out how--" "If he..." Jo pointed to the front door of the hospital. "If he does any more tests, *especially* physical tests..." She sighed. "Dana, they're going to find out what I am; what I can do. Under a stress or mental test, I *know* that it'll happen. I'll change in front of their eyes and I will *never* see the outside world again." She blinked, trying to hold back the tears that welled behind her eyes. "... Except... on the backs of researchers... making their millions for them and I will *not* support such a project." Dana glanced over at her partner, who had the same look of sympathy, but also confusion as to what to do next. Thornton turned back down the stairs. Mulder and Scully watched her go and started when she turned around again. "I don't *care* what they want to discover, *I* don't want to know." ******** "Hey Jo." Seamus jogged to catch up to his partner in the VCS hallways. Thornton slowed slightly until she saw him at her side. He looked down at her. "What's up?" he asked. "You've been pretty silent for the better part of a day." "I, ah..." Jo's eye darted from place to place along the wall. "I just have a lot of stuff happening all at once, you know?" She looked up at him. "Why don't you take the afternoon off?" The Brazilian laughed. "Thanks, Shay, but I'm afraid I can't leave you with all that paperwork." She nudged him lightly in the chest with her fist. "I'm not that mean." Lancaster smiled and watched her continue down the hall. The smile faded as she turned the corner and he chewed his bottom lip. Tapping the file in his hand against the palm of his hand, he returned to his desk. Something was going on. ******** "Don't get me wrong, Mulder, I know why she doesn't want to get the tests done. It just..." Dana Scully sighed, sitting back in her chair in their basement office. "Doesn't make sense." She looked at her partner who sat on the corner of the desk. "Wouldn't you want to know as much as you could?" Fox shrugged. "I suppose," he replied. "But you said that she had a run in with Cancer Man, right?" Scully nodded. "He wanted her dead because of what she could do, but think for a moment. Imagine the things you could do when a biological abnormality, such as Jo's, is *actually scientific*, it's a solid, viable specimen." Dana rubbed a finger over her bottom lip, nodding slightly. "You could study it for years." "No, Scully, think bigger." Mulder stood, holding a pencil between his fingers. "You could take the genome. You could extract the DNA and create an entire team of these and set them off on the next terrorist prevention program, or the next Vietnam or Persian Gulf. A soldier such as Jo... would be virtually unstoppable. Especially when you figure out how to regulate the metamorphosis." Scully stared at her partner. "We need to get to that doctor," she said. "We can't let this leak out." Mulder nodded, turning to grab his coat. He handed Scully hers and led her out the door. ******** The sirens were usually expected. It was a hospital, after all, but police cars outside the front of the small hospital were too numerous for it to be a regular stopping-by. Mulder and Scully pushed their way passed the crowds of people and hospital staff. The open pathway led into the examination room they had been in the other day. A tall police officer was talking with Doctor O'Brien who sat on the metal table, holding a ice pack to his forehead. The two partners walked up to them, showing their badges to the officer. "What's going on here?" Mulder asked. The officer turned to him, pushing his hat up his forehead slightly. "Unidentified man walked in, knocked Doctor O'Brien here out and stole a few medical files." He looked up, closing his notebook. "Nothing more." "Medical files?" Scully turned to O'Brien. The doctor nodded, his eyes closing slightly. "Your friend's. Some guy just clocked me and they were the only things missing when I came to." Dana sucked in a breath, turning to her partner. Mulder watched the doctor for a moment then nodded. "Thank you, Doctor," he said. "We'll be in touch." Mulder and Scully pushed their way through the crowd again, walking hurriedly back to their car. "We've got to tell her, Mulder," Scully said as they descended the stairs. "She's going to be followed." Fox looked back at the hospital doors. "Yeah," he replied. "I think it might be a good idea to let Skinner in on this, huh?" He glanced at his partner before slipping into the driver's seat. Dana paused, thinking about telling Skinner and what either he, or Jo would say to it. She wasn't quite sure of their standing, but she supposed it would be the best idea. ******** The night's silence would normally have been welcomed, but at this particular moment, Joanne Thornton would have given anything for a loud, obnoxious traffic jam or concert to drown the thoughts that plagued her. She had done everything she could possibly think of to stop and think of something like a piece of artwork, or some music. A long workout was the last thing she had thought of, twice actually. The Brazilian sat in front of the floor to ceiling windows in her apartment, dressed in a pair of jogging pants tied around the waist with a black belt and a similarly coloured tank top - her workout wear. She sat on the floor, her right knee bent with an arm draped over it. She held the silver sai in her right hand, weighing it gently as she stared out the window. The sound of the door closing surprised her and she turned swiftly, her muscles tensed. Perhaps, however, she was more surprised to see her visitor. Thornton set the sai on the floor and stood. Walter Skinner shifted on his feet, switching his keys from his right to his left hand and back again. His broad shoulders filled out the long trench coat as he stood not far from her. "I ah... still had the key," he explained. Jo nodded silently. Skinner moved forward awkwardly, feeling his face burn. "Mulder and Scully came into my office today." Joanne took in a breath, knowing what he was talking about. She nodded. Walter waited for her to say something. He didn't know what else to say and being in her apartment so long after they had unceremoniously separated, was extremely awkward. He swallowed. "Are you okay?" he asked finally. "I mean..." "They sent you here, didn't they?" Jo replied, starting over to him. He shook his head immediately. "No, I came here on my own. They just told me what was going on." Thornton crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. "I see." There was a long pause between the two. Skinner took this time to walk to her side, facing her. "So, are you okay?" The Brazilian sighed. "I just found out today that I am not human. I do not have a completely human body." She looked up at Skinner, her voice wavering slightly. "How would you feel?" Jo looked down at her hands. "I can't look at myself without thinking that inside me, are the makings of another species and I think, God... why?" She sucked in a shuddery breath. "Haven't I had a hard enough life already? Why does this have to happen to me?" "Hey..." Walter reached in front of her to her left shoulder, pulling her into him. She went willingly, unfolding her arms from her chest and wrapping them around him. He felt her face press into his chest as his arms went around her gently. He rubbed her back lightly. "You know it's not your fault," he said softly. She nodded and breathed deeply, taking in the all too familiar scent of the man in front of her. Feeling a few tears slide down her face, Jo wasn't sure if they were because of recent events, or that Walter was there with her. She relaxed so easily in his arms, it made her ache for him. Skinner pulled her away after a moment, looking down at her. "Are you at work tomorrow?" he asked. To which she nodded slightly. He watched her to make sure she was telling him the truth. When he saw she was, he rubbed her shoulders lightly. "I'll see you then, okay?" He turned to walk to the door, Jo watching him go. He reached for the knob. "Walter, wait," she said, hurrying to the door and closing it with her hand. The Brazilian looked up at him. "Stay." "Joanne..." "Please, Walter. Even if it's on the couch, I just..." She paused, looking to the couch, then back to him. "Stay, please." Skinner watched the woman in front of him carefully. "Joanne, you know I shouldn't." Jo swallowed, trying not to show the sinking feeling inside her. "Shouldn't..." she said, hoping that there was a glimmer of something underneath his statement. Walter tried to keep his mind still so he could think clearly. He knew she wanted him to stay and he knew that she was willing to keep it a secluded visit, but he wasn't sure he could do that. Instead, he merely nodded. "Shouldn't..." he replied. They stood in virtual silence for the better part of five minutes, each waiting for the other to say something and Thornton had the feeling it wasn't going to happen. Which was fine by her. She was used to getting through things on her own. Skinner lifted his arms from his sides suddenly and gripped the edges of his trench coat. He looked down at Jo. "Why don't you put on some coffee? I'll... see what's on TV." It took all the reserve within her to keep from grinning like an idiot. She watched him slip the coat from his shoulder before she disappeared as if she wanted to make sure he would really stay there and not take off when she left. Once she was out of sight, Walter sighed and looked around the large studio apartment. Not much had changed since he had been there last. Digressing for a moment, he tried to remember when the last time was. Staring out the large windows, he sucked in a deep breath of air. A faint smile crept onto his face and he looked around. There it was. The ever-present burning stick of incense. Something he had come to love. As a military man, there was never time, nor the patience for such things. Turning around again, Skinner took a spot on the couch in front of the television. After a few moments, Jo returned with two mugs of coffee. She sat quietly on the other side, handing Skinner a mug. They sat silently in thought, sipping their coffee and wondering which one would start the conversation. Walter looked off to the small stream of smoke. "The, ah... incense," he started. He looked back at her. "What is it?" Thornton smiled. "Rosemary," she replied. "It clears the mind." Skinner stared at her. "Does it?" The Brazilian shrugged. "Usually." She sighed. "Not in this case." He watched her for a long moment before leaning forward and reaching for the television remote. "Let's try another approach, then." ******** Thornton awoke in bed the next morning, remembering leaving Skinner on the couch watching a broadcast of Crimson Tide, or some other movie. Jo glanced at the clock through half closed eyes: 7:00am. She still had 40 minutes before she had to be up. Nuzzling her face into her pillow, she closed her eyes and shifted. A pair of arms tightened around her; a hand splaying over her bare stomach. Jo hummed, settling back when her eyes flew open. She turned around slowly to find herself facing the Assistant Director. Walter opened his eyes and lifted himself onto an elbow. He knew he was going to have to explain himself and he thanked God that he actually had a reason. "What are you doing here?" Jo asked, moving to sit up. Skinner cleared his throat. "You had a nightmare," he replied. "I heard you and came in here." Thornton ran a hand through her hair. "I don't remember any nightmare." "Trust me." Walter sat up beside her. "You had one." The Brazilian threw the covers of her bed from her legs and stepped out onto the floor. She straightened the boxer shorts she wore and looked out the window. Skinner found himself reacting to her appearance, the boxer shorts and sports bra and wishing only internally, that he could wake up to that again and again. "I appreciate the comfort, Walter, I do," Jo's voice invaded his thoughts. She turned and looked at him. "I don't want to be shown what I can't have right now, it's too difficult for me." She watched him for a moment before leaving her bedroom and walking down the stairs to the kitchen. The wood floor was cold against her feet and she shivered slightly, wishing she had grabbed something to wear over what she had on. Reaching for the kettle on the counter, Jo filled it with water. As if the surge of electricity from the wall energised her mind, the nightmare came flooding back. Images of tables, tests, audiences and committees of scientists flashed behind her eyes. Jo stopped and leaned against the counter. Right. She remembered now. And she agreed; it was a nightmare. The sound of the door bell came a surprise, as it would any day at 7am. Thornton glances at the kettle briefly before walking out the living room. She didn't bother looking to see who it was, instead just pulling the door open. Mulder and Scully stood in silent surprise once they took in the Brazilian's appearance. Jo ran a hand through her hair. "Guys. What was you doing here?" Mulder glanced at Scully. "We came to talk for a second." Jo raised her eyebrows in acception and stepped to the side. "Come in." The two partners walked in and stood just inside the door. "I'm just about to put some coffee on, what some?" Mulder nodded and followed Thornton into the kitchen. Dana followed close behind. "Are you okay, Jo?" Scully asked, sitting at the table. "Ah... yeah," she replied. "I'm okay." Dana glanced at Fox, who was leaning against the wall. "Did Skinner come over last night?" Mulder asked. At her facial expression, he added, "He acted and spoke like he was." As if on queue, Walter walked down the stairs and looked down at the kitchen. With raised eyebrows, Mulder looked at his partner. "Skinner is still here." Walter stopped and looked at his two agents. "What's going on here?" Jo remained silent, busying herself with the coffee. Skinner glanced at Thornton. Scully looked at her partner, then back to the Assistant Director. "We have news." Jo turned around. "‘Bout what?" Fox swallowed, his eyes flicking to Scully. "The medical doctor," he started. "What about him?" "The files are gone, Jo," Dana cut in. Thornton's eyes widened slightly. "They're what?" "We went to talk to him," Mulder continued. "To tell him the information he had was delicate, but when we got there, he'd been attacked." "Someone stole the files." Scully watched the Assistant Director as she said those words. He had known, of course. That was why they had talked to him in the first place. Jo caught the eye contact and looked at Skinner, surprised. "You knew," she said. A hand went absently to her stomach. "You bastard. You knew and didn't tell me." "I couldn't," Walter replied in defense. "You were upset, I didn't want to dump that on you, too." "Well now I'm damn upset, Walter, which was more worth it?" Jo stifled a laugh. "God, you people are amazing." She felt suddenly cold, the lack of clothing covering her body finally making itself known. Her hand rubbed her shoulder as she turned back to the coffee and the now-boiling kettle. Skinner looked at Mulder and Scully, hoping to get some kind of inspiration. When they said nothing, he moved over to the Brazilian, wrapping his arms gently around her waist. Thornton closed her eyes, clenching her jaw. "I will do everything I can to get those files back," he said softly. Thornton swallowed. "You're not making this easy on me." "It can't be easy," Mulder said. "You know what and who we're dealing with now." Jo nodded silently. "So what now then?" She turned around and Skinner released her. "Do I go into hiding again like last time? Take on a new personality?" Jo shook her head as she moved slightly forward. "I can't do that." "You don't have to," Dana said. "Just lay low until we can do something about it." "What can you do? Dana, you and Mulder and even Walter can't beat these people. They know. They know what I am and you can't take that knowledge away now. They'll still come for me if they want to." "Then you need to stay here," Fox added. Thornton crossed her arms over her chest. "I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home." "Well someone needs to stay with you." Mulder glanced at his partner. "And we can't. It'd be too obvious." "I can't," Walter said. "As much as I want to, my position limits me." Jo studied the floor, wishing the three of them could stay with her, but understanding why they couldn't. "Shay could do it," she said quietly. "Shay?" Skinner asked. Thornton raised her head slowly. "My partner, Seamus Lancaster." ******** He'd never been called to the Assistant Director's office before. He'd always been deprived of that pleasure, to which he was grateful. Today, however, was the first and he was not looking forward to it. The door to the inner office opened and Seamus looked up. Assistant Director Skinner looked him in the eye. "Come in, Agent Lancaster." Lancaster stood and walked into the office. He froze. Mulder and Scully sat in their regular chairs across from Skinner's desk and Jo stood beside it. Mulder stood and motioned to the empty seat. "Sit down, Shay," Jo said. Seamus looked at his partner. "What's going on?" Thornton glanced at Skinner, then back to Lancaster. "I've got something to tell you." "What?" "But before I tell you, you have to understand how delicate this information is. You must not share this with anyone, no matter their position or their motive." Seamus looked over the faces in the room. "God Jo, what is it?" Jo looked at Skinner and nodded. Sighing, Jo started the story. "I'm not American," she said. To his confused reaction, she continued. "My mother was a native of an Arawak tribe in the Amazon jungle..." ******** Scully looked at her partner over the small diner table. "So what do you think?" she asked. "I think," he replied. "That she's right. They'll go for her whenever they want to and we can't stop them." Dana pushed the fries on her plate. "Do you think it'll be any time soon?" Mulder shrugged. "I don't think so. I think if anything, they'll watch her, see how she works. Then maybe venture to manufacture their own metamorphosising human." Scully paused. "You don't honestly think that something of that scientific magnitude would actually be possible." Fox shrugged. "I'm just saying that we shouldn't rule it out. We may end up with another one out there if there isn't one already." ******** "Where are you going?" Joanne Thornton slipped her leather jacket over her shoulders and turned back to her partner. "I'm going for a walk." Seamus turned the television off and got to his feet. "I'm coming with you." "No," Jo raised a hand. "Jo, Skinner said--" "I don't care what Skinner said," she replied. "I'm going for a walk, and you're not coming." Seamus stared at her. "Where are you going, then?" Thornton waved a hand in the air. "I'll be around," she told him. "Not too far, okay?" Jo's partner stared at her and finally sighed. "You're damn stubborn, Jo, you know that?" The Brazilian smirked even though she knew he wasn't kidding. "Thanks, Shay. I love you, too." Taking a few steps, she swung the door open. "I'll be back in 10, okay?" Seamus held the door open with his hand as she walked into the hallway. "You better be." ******** Fox Mulder glanced down at his partner and smiled. "You think they'll mind the company?" Scully looked up at him and knocked on the door. "Has Jo *ever* been able to turn down Chinese and old 80s movies?" Mulder chuckled, adjusting the white cartons in his arms. "No, no... that she hasn't." The two partners suddenly jerked back as the door swung open swiftly. A slightly rough-looking Seamus Lancaster glanced at them, then thrust his head out into the hallway and looked left and right. Seeing nothing that he wanted, he retreated back into the apartment, letting the door close on its own. Dana stopped the door with her free hand and pushed her way in. "What's the matter, Seamus?" she asked, looking back to make sure Mulder got in okay. Lancaster turned around and started pacing, running a hand through his hair. "She's gone," he said, striding to the windows to look out onto the street. Mulder frowned at Scully and looked back to the frazzled man. "What do you mean she's gone? Jo?" Seamus stopped, his eyes flying everywhere in the room. "She... went for a walk," he told them. His hands twisted in his tee shirt. "She wouldn't let me go with her, I told her that I was supposed to, but she didn't listen and left and said she'd be back in ten minutes, but it's been half an hour and I don't know what to do.." Scully moved to Lancaster's side and led him to the couch. "Slow down, Seamus," she said. "What happened?" He looked up at Mulder who stood beside Scully. "Jo told me that she was going for a walk and I told her that I should go with her." He took a few deep breaths and swallowed. "She didn't let me go with her and said she'd be back in ten minutes." He motioned to the clock on the wall. "That was half an hour ago." He looked at Scully, searching for help. "I don't know what to do. I let you guys down." "No, no," Dana said, patting his arm. "It's not your fault." She glanced at Mulder. "I'm sure she just got sidetracked... Maybe she went to--" The redhead was interrupted by the door bursting open. The trio's eyes snapped to the entrance to see Joanne Thornton fall inside the apartment. The heavy door latched closed behind her as she landed on the hard wood. "Oh my God..." Scully pushed Mulder ahead of her as the three of them rushed to the Brazilian's side. Mulder pulled gently at Jo's shoulder, turning her over onto her back. He clothes were a little dirty; her face scraped. Dana trailed her fingers through Thornton's hair, trying to find any marks. Her fingers stopped abruptly when the woman on the floor sucked in a breath and jerked, squeezing her eyes shut. "Jo?" Scully asked softly. "Jo, are you okay?" The Brazilian made an unintelligible noise and shifted as Mulder pulled at her arms to straighten them. Lancaster watched the two partners carefully, not at all sure what he should do. Scully looked up at him. "Seamus, go put the kettle on. Make some tea and grab some Asprin or Tylenol or whatever painkillers you can find." Seamus nodded and rushed off. Fox glanced at his partner as she looked at him. "She's got a concussion. I don't know how severe, but we should get her to a hospital." Mulder remained silent as he stared at her. "What is it?" "They've got her," he replied softly. Dana frowned. "What do you mean?" Mulder swallowed and directed her with his eyes. Scully followed him and stared at Jo's right arm. Her partner trailed his fingers lightly around the joint of Jo's elbow and she moved in closer. Her heart skipped a beat. A small puncture. She looked up to meet Mulder's eyes. "God, they've got her..." ******** Walter Skinner watched her sleep. It had always been one of his favourite pastimes. The stark white hospital sheets made her dark skin stand out. He reached slowly for her hand and took it in his own, threading their fingers. His head turned slightly as a click notified him of the door opening. Mulder and Scully stepped inside, silently asking for permission to continue inside. Walter nodded and looked back at the Brazilian. The two partners stopped beside him and watched the silent communication between the Assistant Director and the renewed agent in the bed. Dana smiled slightly at the sight of their hands and looked up at her partner who returned the expression. "Thank you," came the AD's voice. "Thank you for calling me." He looked back at them. "To begin with." Fox nodded. "We thought it was necessary, sir." Skinner took a deep breath. "Any idea what to do about this?" "Wait." Walter looked back. "We have no choice." Mulder jerked his chin to Thornton. "We've got to wait until they do something with her." There was a comfortable silence between them as they watched Jo. She ended up okay. Just a light concussion and a few scrapes and bruises. They had called Skinner once she was in the hospital and he came right away. Fox looked at his partner and turned to leave. Dana nodded and watched him walk to the door, and pause with his hand on the nob. Scully took the moment to move closer to Skinner. She watched him watch Jo and touched his shoulder lightly. "She still loves you," she said quietly. Walter swallowed and didn't look up when he nodded. "That makes two of us." Dana paused and turned to follow her partner out of the room. ******** For the first time in my life, I have no idea what's to become of me. In a matter of a few days, my life has fallen. I am no longer human. I am no longer magical. I am no longer what I thought I was. I have decided to take some time from work... for myself. I have a sudden yearning to be at home. My real home. The plane leaves in a week. I must find what I left of myself for I live far from where I am. ******** THE END January 16, 1998 ********